Building Confidence in Geolocation Data

It’s a fact: Making geographic determinations for IP addresses without invasive or opt-in methods is an inexact science

There is no absolute “truth set” for the geographic location of IP addresses.

That’s why businesses that use geolocation data in critical applications need a measure of confidence for every geographic determination.

In this whitepaper, you will learn how UltraGeoPoint Confidence Factors provide a measure of certainty about the assigned location of an online device, and how they are developed for each geographic data point for a given IP.

Read this white paper to learn:

  • The unique value of UltraGeoPoint Confidence Factors
  • How Confidence Factors are used in conjunction with the following location field:
  • -Country
    -Postal Code (Where available)
  • Why Confidence Factors are the next best thing to 100% accuracy in geolocation data.

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